Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Obama EPA Proposes New Regulations For Coal Burning Power Plants

These new regulations, mandating that coal burning power plants reduce their sulfur dioxide emissions by 71 percent from 2005 levels by 2014 and nitrogen oxide emissions by 52 percent in the same time frame, will result in a cost to consumers of nearly $3 Billion Dollars a year.

Known as the Clean Air Interstate Rule, the measure requires 31 states from Massachusetts to Texas to reduce smog and soot-producing emissions that can travel long distances in the wind. The agency predicted the rule would prevent about 14,000 to 36,000 premature deaths a year. If there were truly that many deaths a year from smog and soot-producing emissions, surely we would have known about it.

In this article from the Associated Press in The Washington Post today this regulation will most likely force older coal burning plants to be closed.

Of course this is the intention of this administration as explained by President Obama in his description of his "cap and trade" legislation in this you tube video below. The Cap and Trade Legislation has been held up by the Senate, so the EPA is doing the job. This administration has been able to accomplish quite a lot without having to answer to the American people. Our Constitution and our rights are arrogantly being ignored and trampled upon by President Obama and his administration.

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